Lesson 2.2 Accessibility in User Interface design

Accessibility to users with eyesight trouble

This page has many problems. A person who has difficulties reading or who has myopia. It will be challenging for anybody to understand the message and to read what the page says.

 Labels of the main navigation 

No, One of this page’s biggest problems is that the colors are very similar. Therefore it is tough to discern—the text.

The contrast between the background and text color 

One of this page’s biggest problems is that the colors are very similar. Therefore it is tough to discern—the text. It wasn’t very suitable between the green and the blue; you can’t see what it says, and it’s tough to read.


  • Do a straw test on the design by limiting your vision. For example, make your hand into a fist and look at your screen through the small space between your palms and fingers. Did you find it easy to read the information on the page?

It was tough to read anything on this website



 Recreate the website design. 

  • The text size of written content
  • The color usage and contrast. Text and elements should be easy to see and read.
  • The labels should be understandable. The user should immediately know where they’ll lead them.


Step 3

When you are done with your design, make your hand into a fist again and look through the small space between your palms and fingers to see if you can read what’s on the page.

This date with my design, when I experimented by hand, I realized that it was straightforward to read and that the colors are appropriate, and well, I think it’s well done.