Analyse the product of the website

This website is problematic because the design the wrong and outdated, and the poor design makes it difficult to understand and navigate. The visitors will need help figuring out how to make a purchase, learn about the product, and sign up for a newsletter, this can contribute to significant frustration and even cause the visitors to exit the page very quickly. The fundamental problem of this page is that a chaotic page, without a defined layout, is very difficult to digest and the information is scattered everywhere, it does not have any kind of rhythm or red lines to follow. This page conveys little seriousness, is not easy to use, and another problem is that it is not clear to me what the product or service is advertised. 

This layout just doesn’t work, they are too much information lost and scattered all over the page, and the page scrolls on forever., big pictures and random data, and to be honest, I don’t understand what are they try to sell or advertise   

Draw up a list and note your findings and solutions.

1.. I will work to make this website easier to understand and navigate. create a new and easy-to-use layout

2.- use of color just two colors appropriate to the topic 

3.- minimal animation that is pleasing to the  eye 

4.- I will work with that theĀ  content will be easy to find, navigate, consume, and share, I will work to make the photos no so distracting photos